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Results for "author_first: "Roger", author_last: "Housden""
Twenty Poems to Bless Your Marriage A high class selection and commentary on poems about the different shades, moods, stages, and delights of marriage.
Twenty Poems to Bless Your Marriage Roger Housden on how any shared pleasure in marriage is a form of intimacy.
Ten Poems to Change Your Life Again and Again Roger Housden on Hafiz's sense of love that doesn't have expectations and comes when wanting ceases.
Ten Poems to Say Goodbye Ten poems that touch upon the separations and departures that are part of the fragility and loss of the human adventure.
Reading Naomi Shihab Nye's "Kindness" A poem that draws out our humanity.
Saved by Beauty A celebration of the poetry of Hafez and Rumi, the devotional lives of Sufis, the creativity boom, and the astonishing beauty of Iran's mosques.
Saved by Beauty Roger Housden on the beauty of an Iranian mosque humbling him.
Risking Everything Czeslaw Milosz's poem on being present.
Risking Everything David Whyte's poem on zeal.
Ten Poems to Change Your Life Rumi's poem on grace and beauty.